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The Gospel of Sophia Trilogy

By Tyla and Douglas Gabriel


Outer Teachings

     The Gospel of Sophia, the Biography of the Divine Feminine Trinity is a modern day representation of the outer mysteries of divine wisdom.  A presentation of the Divine Feminine as three separate beings, with three separate biographies, was presented as a cosmology describing the hierarchical beings who brought creation into existence and maintain it.  Sophia is threefold, just like the human individual. 


Sophia is birth, death and rebirth and this translates in the human individual as the body, soul, and spirit.  Sophia is also one being, the Mother of All.  The human individual is also one being that unites the many parts of the human constitution.  Sophia and the individual have personal histories that intertwine in evolving consciousness throughout history.  The connections to Sophia are found in the outer world and in the inner world. They work and commune together through a language of the spirit.  Initiation is very similar to learning a new language.

Inner Teachings

          Knowledge of the nature of spiritual revelation as the ‘uncovering of the soul’ is necessary to begin and understand the processes of ascension.  Each of us will need to know the steps we mount back to the spirit.  What to expect on the path has been told to us by those who have gone before us.  By learning their symbols and studying their experience of spiritual transcendence helps, we find our own path.  Each new mechanism adds to what we can begin to understand as a language, a dialogue with the divine.  Knowing the component parts and how they fit into the whole is crucial for listening and speaking this new spirit language, which is as old as creation. 


We have all of the tools within us to connect with the spirit outside of us.  Once knowledge of the inner teachings becomes wisdom of initiation through experience, we are given the ability to “hear the language of the birds”, or understand the language of minerals, plants and animals.  This sacred spiritual hearing is what was lost in temples and mysteries centers and later became religions.  The holy person listens to the divine and can speak with higher beings to learn the wisdom necessary to help spiritual love incarnate in this world.  We become the bridge between matter and spirit and re-link our soul to our spirit.


Secret Teachings


You are the One that is the holographic image of All. This means that everything in the universe is One; yet, at the same time, you also are One. This illogical reality is not cognizable by the mind. To know the One and Many at once is tantamount to mental initiation. Only a spiritual archetype of thinking—a being—can help you arrive at that experience. Once you are brought to that point, you are then on the path to enlightenment.


 Once you know that you are One, just like the universe is One, you realize that the beauty, power, and love of the universe is inside you as a mirror image. That realization makes you immortal!


There will be no guru to hold your hand or church to attend where a priest can guide you as you develop morality. The aspirant should know by this incarnation the difference between a virtue and a vice. All religions are bygone; only the church of the heart, the grail-cube, exists now as your sacred ground of being. Traveling to holy places or sitting with holy people will not help you pass the Guardian of the Threshold. Only selflessness, developed through morality, can develop the immortal drops in the heart that can appease the three-headed hound of hell and pay the ferryman his fee to travel back and forth to the other side.

My Damascus Experience

In October 1984, I had a spiritual experience which I describe below in the video "Blinded by the Light". This website, in its current iteration, is a testimony to the divine message that I experienced that evening. It has taken 40 years, to the month (October 2024),  to unpack the contents of the vision. For the friends who encouraged me to write a book about my Damascus Experience, I found that a single book was too limited. However, this website and its contents hold the GOOD NEWS that I wanted to share with all.

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